The staircase is an integral part of the laying out of a patio. It gives access to the yard and allows adequate circulation. On the other hand, the issue concern the disposition of furniture that needs to be included in your final deck.
That’s why, in the Virtual Constructor, we allow you to insert furniture in your plan to judge distances and to provide the location of your future steps. This option lets you move your furniture and try different set up according to your preferences and constraints.
The stair must be safe and must ensure that its location meets the standards. Also, it needs to be coordinated with the configuration of your backyard. We suggest you to experiment and make a lot of tries, in our online
estimation software. This could help you to understand the issues related to the disposal of stairs.
Some novelty! The market now offers products more suitable and easier to use. Steel stringers, aluminum stringers as well as aluminum steps, have several advantages.
Steel and aluminum stringers
Steel stringers and aluminum stringers offer a better support, as they are extremely strong and durable. In addition to be maintenance free, they give a finishing touch to your patio. Installation is facilitated by the holes already in place. These holes secure the stair unlike traditional wood stringers that are complex to draw and require a longer installation process. That’s why we offer steel pre-dyed stringers or aluminum stringers, to make a convenient work a home.
Here’s a video made by the Pylex company, one of our partners, which demonstrates how to install a staircase with steel stringers.
Other solutions are ingenious. This universal stringer is screwed onto 2x4, 2x6 or 2x8, depending on the length of your staircase to support. Therefore, it’s a beam that supports the charges and you need to screw the stringer directly on it. Universal stringer allows the flow of water and sustainability of your stairs.
Aluminum steps
Unlike traditional wood steps,
aluminum steps allow dripping water, and thus, no maintenance. The durability of these products is outstanding and meets the market standards. In addition, a multitude of colors are available
The combination of aluminum and steel or aluminum stairs stringers, are all durable and simple solutions, besides to give an aesthetic side to your deck. Why not soak up new market trends?
Compare costs and see how to build your stair with our
stair calculator!